Our leaders in the West are increasingly either politically progressive, or embracing Islam. There is a growing swathe of elitists in Western Europe who have converted to Islam; seeing that faith as the wave of the future. And why not? There is no hope for the West.
The point has been made about Europe killing itself with collective guilt and multiculturalism. It is said that there is something inherently evil in the European psyche. Nationalism, Communism, Fascism; all of these things are said to flow from Christianity and nativist nationalism. Give me a break. Human nature is the same everywhere. No one group of people is better or worse than another. It is systems that can be good or evil. Systems of slavery, communism, Islam and the like are evil systems that crush the human spirit. Systems of limited government and freedom of worship are the more ideal systems because they give individuals the freedom to improve one's lot in life.
Much has been written about how increasing government destroys the nuclear family as well as the values of the West. Simply put, Western women are incredibly empowered. They have advantages in education, professional life, and of course hold all the cards under family law. Meanwhile men are dropping out of public life to a large degree.
In the West, women don't need their men aside from being either an accessory or a paycheck. Parenting? Forget it; our enlightened elites say women do a better job of parenting on their own. There are even highly respected books teaching us that two lesbians are better than a heterosexual couple when it comes to raising a child.
The point..the reason men are here is slowly eroding. The Western man is not the legitimate head of the household; not morally, legally or socially. Women are either exact equals or insist on taking charge. I know this statement will be challenged, but one only has to look at the evidence. More and more men are eschewing marriage and cohabitation. More men are opting for suicide or breaking bad, trying anything just to stay afloat financially in a rapidly changing workforce which demands more conformity and femininity. Men are moving away from religion, government and family involvement. At the same time, women are empowered and gaining ground.
The State grows stronger and takes over more and more of the roles men are supposed to fill. The State is the protector of the family, and the guarantor of employment or benefits to women. Children are protected and educated by the State. Safety and equality are emphasized, not freedom or opportunity. A stifling, post-modern soft liberalism combined with a complete negation of male roles is killing the masculine in Western men. In Europe where this has run its course, most men are vaguely feminine if not completely homosexual in manner and speech. Women aren't challenged, or the men are destroyed.
The response to this has been predictable. Men are walking away where they aren't wanted, and tolerating this new women's world just enough to get sex or avoid solitude. Most men adopt a non-committal approach to women and keep women in their lives at arms length. This means 90 day relationships or engagements that stretch out for years. Men have learned the hard way that commitment and loyalty means you become "owned". With becoming owned, you lose all your personal space and your interests drop away. No more drinking, very little football, and the interests of the couple supersede the interests of the man - all the time in every way. Not complying with this complete and total domination leads to break-ups, threats, or long-term grudge matches.
This doesn't exist in more traditional cultures. Men are leaders and pretty much rule their homes. The opinion of some social worker doesn't dictate how the family dynamic is expressed. Government preferences don't rule the workplace. Of course none of this is new. The Chinese went through a similar liberalization about 400 years ago. Western traders were astonished at the immorality and lack of masculinity in the population at Chinese port cities. One hundred years later, that immoral culture was crushed. Likewise, the Weimar Republic in Germany was so progressive and immoral that the blowback took Germany all the way to extreme fascism. Societies don't survive long when they work against human nature, and against the natural leadership of men.
This reality has led many social observers to believe that democracy isn't viable in the long term. If those who have no economic stake in the nation are allowed to vote, they will always vote themselves more government. They will always vote to destroy the traditions and install those committed to this effort into office.
Personally, I find it interesting to watch. Political leaders, religious folk, all of them are worried about men not measuring up, about boys doing terribly in school, about young men in the workplace with no skills and no confidence. Oh no! There aren't enough marriageable men! All of the women are now in the workplace with their own money, opinions and political power; why aren't the men now earning double and improving themselves in every way?!?
Well, you take men's domains and make them all frilly and feminine, and they will withdraw. Tell a man he is only worth the paycheck he draws and he doesn't have much reason to live. Institutionalize these ideas, and men will do the bare minimum in society to get by - because they no longer have a stake in society. It's not like this in the East which is why China, India and the Middle East are going to rise, and rise fast. Here in the West, we've not only negated men's proper roles, we're laughing at men while they try to find roles that don't warrant constant criticism or attack.