Not that I'm some lonely bachelor who never thought about it. I did get married. I had about seven good years before it had to end. My ex is just like all the women I meet. Money is everything. They love watching the Housewives of the OC, or New Jersey, or whatever. They watch the Kim Kardashian show and wish their lives were the same. They don't want to work unless it is something very easy. They want to be stars of their own lives, have men worship them, and have no real responsibility.
I was the one who filed for divorce. My ex was shocked and argued things out for a few months, but in the end, she signed and we split up. She did raid our accounts and got about half of our joint savings.
Since my divorce, I realized that as bad as my ex was (very little communication, greed, ignoring me), she was about average. Lots of women are leaving their husbands out of boredom, need for a change, or simply because they are looking for a guy with more money.
I've dated a lot and racked up a lot of sex partners, and the women are very similar. They've given too much to really rotten guys, or dumped good guys for financial reasons. I think feminism, our popular consumer culture, and the rising economic power of women has led women to abandon their values. Every woman is doing the Sex & The City thing these days. It's pretty sad, but that's life. I did find that once I stopped all the romantic/falling in love bullshit, I really started being happy about being with women. If the majority of these women aren't serious about any guy but a rich playboy, then I don't mind being their temporary guy.
For younger guys, I cannot recommend getting married. I know guys don't like being with a slut, and having one girl to yourself is really a special thing, but it really doesn't exist any more. If you are with a good girl, don't marry her. Have sex, have fun, and have that romantic love experience, but it does not last. Women get bored. They see their friends out there poking lots of guys and they start wondering what that life was like. I've seen women in ten year marriages get a divorce, then on the first date after divorce, allow some guy to get them drunk and fuck them. Guys are interchangeable. Men have women in their lives who are very special to them, but women just want a guy, any guy to be with them. If he has a smile and a dick, they are sold. If he also has money, then he is a longer term prospect.
I'm off to have fun and drink tonight now that it's 10:30pm on a Friday night.
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