MGTOW is strongly defended by its followers, but it never seems to grow or make an impact on anyone. If you go back through the archives a few years, you'll see a flare-up here and there of very popular blogs and websites, and then things seem to cool off.
What's happening to MGTOW? Don't men still need to make changes and improve the lot of their brothers?
Not so much. What happens to these men is that they take girlfriends or they get married. They move on from being bitter bachelors and leave their blogs behind. Even very popular blogs such as Eternal Bachelor suddenly stop. You don't really think these guys are going to whine about women forever, do you? No, people eventually move on and get on with their lives. MGTOW is simply an Internet reflection of what a small percentage of men go through on their way to settling down with a woman. There is very little support for men navigating the Sex & The City reality of today's dating. Most of the MGTOW folks I've had the opportunity to debate have not really been the types of men able to have success with dating and relationships; either through personality problems, social awkwardness or political/religious leanings.
There will always be a small MGTOW movement, but it will change and mutate as time passes. There will always be a small group of divorced men and loners who will band together for support and sharing of experiences, but there is not organized movement. If anything, MGTOW, Men's News Daily, and forums such as those found on Happy Bachelor or American Women Suck will act as supports and buffers to the mainstream feminism's harder edges. Even now, there are significant numbers of women who follow the MGTOW crowd; mainly those who see their fathers and brothers not doing so well in today's social climate.
In short, MGTOW is a reflection of the pain and anguish of a few thousand men in the West being very vocal and having too much time to spend on the Internet rehashing said pain. It's time to move on...
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