Younger people in their 20s and 30s increasing fall into two categories. The smaller category marry young and have children, not putting career or sexual freedom above family. Usually, these folks are much more religious, or have a life perspective that promotes family and family ties over "finding oneself" or living a libertine life until age 35 or 40.
Unfortunately, more and more singles aren't taking the family-oriented route. More and more young people of both sexes are interested in having lots of relationships, sex partners, taking advantage of travel and the single life for as long as possible. This dramatically impacts fertility and family continuity. Waiting longer means fewer children and a growing culture antagonistic toward children.
We see this antagonism in the New Single Paradigm. Lots of young single people that own dogs instead of having families. They frequent restaurants, movie theaters, art galleries, and endless numbers of bars. Life is a happy, drunken, sexual ride. It's like an endless summer from age 22 to age 35. Of course it is interrupted for some when a baby comes along, or the emptiness of the single life becomes too much to bear for those who feel deeply.
Most of these NSP individuals see themselves as smarter than the masses. The NSPs delay marriage and enjoy lots of romantic/sexual variety. They are politically leftist, and parrot whatever they hear on television. They do not try to be educated, but pursue sameness with those around them. They watch the same television programs and listen to the same music; they vacation together and live their lives how mass media tell them. They are putting off having children if not foregoing forming families altogether. Family law makes this a smart move. Women don't have to accept male leadership, they simply dial 911 if they even have the smallest disagreement with a boyfriend or husband.
The NSP model makes for lower fertility and an infantilized population. Men are still encouraged to be leaders and heads of households, but women's power is so inflated, men dare not exercise their proper role. So, you end up with emotionally volatile women with radically unreal expectations of men, and men very resistant to marry or be leaders. It's simply too dangerous to tread on women's legal and social status these days.
And women wonder why men won't "step up" and be men like in the old days....
The rules are dramatically stacked against men these days, while the workforce is about 90% women-friendly. This turns men into very unserious players in a serious world. They tune out, play video games, drink too much, smoke marijuana, travel, enjoy life. Why be serious when women expect a very attractive millionaire that will supply all the income why women have legal control? Most men cannot measure up to expectations, so they don't try. If they are pushed into a commitment, they don't give their best efforts because they aren't allowed to take the lead.
So while Islam advances, and most conservative enclaves are growing, most young people are living the NSP life. They grow up, go to school, and settle into a long pointless single life with dogs. If they ever do get married or cohabit, they have fewer children, and the majority of those children grow up in broken homes. Everyone works, taxes are much higher, families break apart, and the NSP becomes the norm.
Gee, the "bad old days" were a hell of a lot better.
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