The field of "Education" is more complex than most people think. It is very feminized, and very political. American education went leftist about 100 years ago when gentleness, conformity and equality became the goals. Teachers weren't looking to raise a mix of all types, but simply a nation of drones who were happy workers.
As feminism became a popular flavor of leftism, the idea that all men were inherent abusers and harassers took hold. We've all heard how this came to a head with campus demonstrations; postings of innocent young men's names and faces with the moniker "Potential Rapist!" emblazoned in scary lettering. This hasn't affected the overly aggressive men; men who always chase women and pursue random sexual adventures, but it has changed the dating world for most men, and relationships for the worse.
It's not a good thing when American young men are raised to believe our White Founding Fathers were all racist oppressors who abused women and people of color. It's not good when all our successful presidents are seen as bumbling fools who simply victimize the weaker people of the world while polluting the environment. Ordinary white guys see themselves as the children of an unholy legacy of slavery, oppression, sexism and homophobia.
If you've been raised through the public school system, you haven't been taught that your legacy is one of freedom, enlightenment and humanism. You are taught that "men need to work on themselves". You are taught about rape statistics, and how men abuse women in relationships. You are taught that any traditional or religious-based roles for men and women are oppressive and harm women.
In the dating world, there is a lot of sex going on. The good looking guys from wealthy families seem to be fucking every woman in sight. If you meet a girl you like, its a good bet she's had about nine sex partners before you, and keeps in touch with half of those guys. These very same girls graduate and immediately get great jobs and start shopping, traveling, and living the good life. Where were those girls who wanted that "one special guy" ? We'll, she grew up learning that all men are the same, and none of them are any good, so why not just be a super slut until you find a rich guy later in life?
Our enlightened, progressive approach to culture and society has demonized and disheartened men. They are expected to be leaders and heroes, yet we are remaking our political and professional landscape ever more amenable to women and feminine sensibilities. This has gone so far in the USA that religion and education are completely dominated by women, and men aren't welcome.
Where all this leads is predictable. Women still want to be mothers, but you cannot put off childbearing until age 39 and expect the population not to decline. No, women are having less children as they more and more take up the role of breadwinner. More education as well equals less children. Meanwhile, men are either panicking or adapting. More and more men are working one job, and another off-the-books. Many are going underground, or simply Breaking Bad. Lots of former managers, programmers and accountants are cash-only workers, marijuana growers or thieves.
If you make the women into men and let them live a couple generations Sex & The City, the progressive culture will collapse on its own. A more traditional system will take over and dominate the culture. It could be Islam, fundamentalist strains of Christianity, or simply a more pragmatic traditionalism. A culture cannot trash-talk the legacy of it's heroes, institutions and male children for the sake of political fads. Leftist Progressivism and Feminism upset the balance, and Mother Nature is beginning to self-correct. It could be messy.
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