Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All About MGTOW

MGTOW or Men Going Their Own Way, is a relatively recent phenomenon, but I'd heard about it going back as far as 2005. It's a pathetic movement attempting to encourage men to drop out of society, or to work against its current institutions. There are some MGTOW adherents who simply wish to live their lives out of the control of women; meaning no marriage, no long-term commitments, etc.  Of course, whether or not the movement is important to men in general is a moot point. 

From my reading, there are about 30 websites at any given time that are active and producing content that could be described as MGTOW-specific. Most of the writers are men who have been through divorces and have some degree of bitterness. A good deal of these guys hang out at the American Women Suck forum and talk about how badly they have been treated by women, and their dysfunctional approach to dating and marriage. Some of them are in relationships, but many of them seem to be presenting a fantasy life to their readers. Some are conspiracy nuts, blaming Jews for all the world's ills. Others are internationally known businessmen (or so they say), and then there are those who spend every day traveling or scuba diving. 

Perhaps the best example of the MGTOW literature [sic] is Darren Blacksmith's Mirror of The Soul. As a mysterious international businessman and playboy, he is masterful at building companies and managing the people in his life as he jets from one country to the next; always sampling great cigars or enjoying a nice single-malt by fireside.  The crowd that follows this rubbish are those who are unsuccessful with women and dream of one day becoming the imaginary character that Darren suggests he really is. 

It's amazing to me that men have made the worst mistakes possible in this new gender war. Did feminism do damage? Of course it did. Should single men sit at home reading about an imaginary 007 life that will never happen?  Probably not. 

Men and women both have the option these days to live independently and not have children. Thirty years of sleeping around is now possible; clearly the dream of lots of men and women. This new liberation has destroyed the nuclear family and literally shattered many families and communities, but it is reality, and it will not change. We won't ever go back to a traditional society, and dreaming of being lone wolves while looking down on everyone else is no solution.

Of course the audience for MGTOW is very small. The advocates are helpless and friendless.  Don't believe me?  Get into a discussion with them. Join up and be part of the discussion. You'll soon find yourself in with anti-semitic conspiracy fans, middle aged con artists and spotty youths planning their imaginary adventures.

Do I think MGTOW has merit? I do think you can opt to live your life outside the confines of a traditional marriage, and you can really be cautious when opting to marry or have children, but feminism and our new social equality doesn't mean you have to withdraw and be antagonistic to all women. You don't have to flee to the South Seas or hole up in the Missouri mountains cussing out the Jews over your dial-up connection. 

Sometimes life is what it is, and you cannot be part of an organized resistance with less than 500 bitter fools typing away as your army.  Until the return of more traditional mores in the West, MGTOW and other men's movements are nothing but flanks of a feminist army; keeping men down, distracted, dreaming, or just plain stupid. 

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