Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Women Want...

They will never directly tell you what they want. When they are young, they long for sex and babies, but they won't reveal this. Most young girls are romantic and sexual and want children. They are taught not to say they want this, but to toil long and hard hours so they can serve a career. 

Once they achieve a career, the rewards include travel and sex partners, and most of all, shopping. Shopping is almost like a religion with women. Having lovely things around all the time means shopping must be going on. Shopping is made possible by working, so having a job is its own reward. 

In other words, women want sex and love and possibly babies, but career comes first because shopping and showing off is more important. Don't believe it? Then why are women so obsessed with celebrities? Why do they dress for other women to see? If you look at them realistically, you'll see the vast majority of women are very superficial and only want nice things and money to go shopping. 

When it comes to men, if he is basically pleasant and has a smile on his face, he'll do. Of course he has to be rich or at least very successful. If he is not, then he better be extremely good looking or incredibly good in bed. Men tend to look for a very special girl, in a romantic way - someone who reaches them on a spiritual level. Women tend to have sex with any guy has a smile on his face and a drink in his hand. 

Women do not forgive poverty. I know at least five guys who were dumped because they weren't successful enough. One is a dentist, one a photographer, several work in high tech, and one is a home appliance repairman. Each one is a homeowner with an average income. Still, it wasn't enough. Their wives divorced them and went looking for something better, so they would have more money to spend. Of course, most guys just earn an average salary, so some of the wives came crawling back when they couldn't find a rich man. Luckily none of them were taken back by their ex-husbands. 

Women do forgive cheating. I'd talked to many women in the dating world who experienced cheating. They say it felt like the biggest betrayal in the world. Still, they forgive the men either right away or after a very short time. Cheating means the guy likes to have sex, and there is nothing more exciting to a woman than a man who is blatant about sex. Women used to adore Bill Clinton because his type is overt about sex. They don't hint about it, they want to go into a closet and start humping right now. 

I dated a woman once who was dumped by a guy who cheated on her. She still loved the guy and wouldn't accept that he was a long-time cheater, even though all her friends told her what they had seen. In her mind, he was still funny and charming, and just an all-around great guy. Pretty pathetic. 

All in all, women want to have fun and avoid responsibility. They will work if it means shopping and lots of sexual variety, and this is what the majority of women go for. They also make intentionally bad choices with men; trying to win players away from a players life, trying to reform a cheater, falling in love with a married man, etc.  Angela Fiori was right; women don't want a good man, they won't give a good man a chance which is why there are no good men left.

I'm not knocking the system that is in place, I just want young men to be aware of it. Know what women want, and don't make it your primary focus to give her what makes her happy. Women have come a long way, baby, and they only want to use you if you are wealthy or willing to be used up temporarily. The days of loving wives and dedicated mothers are long gone.

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